Standing together, caring for all

About Us

United Physician Assistants of Michigan Medicine (UPAMM) is the democratic voice for physician assistants at Michigan Medicine. With a commitment to an open, transparent, and cooperative process, UPAMM is fostering an equitable workplace culture at Michigan Medicine, ensuring that health care professionals are given the respect and support they deserve. 

As a UPAMM member, you will have a voice in how our union represents PAs across Michigan Medicine. Through your membership you can:

  • Participate in or chair on one of our committees. 
  • Vote on our contracts and union officers.
  • Run for a union officer or a steward position.

Most importantly, there is strength in numbers. The more PAs who join UPAMM, the stronger our voice. The more power we have at the bargaining table to negotiate a good, solid contract to support us in the workplace, the better. Together, through your membership, we will meet goals, live up to our mission and continue to build our union.

Mission Statement

The mission of United Physician Assistants of Michigan Medicine (UPAMM) is to represent, advocate, and serve as the democratic voice for its member Physician Assistants. 

Through collective bargaining, we will ensure high quality patient care. We will strive to achieve a fair work-life balance, equity, and transparency in a diverse, inclusive, safe and professional work environment.

Together, we will demonstrate the value we bring to our community by providing exceptional care and serving as a model of leadership and integrity. 

Economic Gains – Competitive Pay for PA Expertise

Workload Protections and Clarity – No Free Work

Benefits Maintenance / Improvements – Equitable Benefits

Professional Autonomy and Agency – Culture Change 

Development of a PA Career Ladder – Opportunities for PA Participation in the Health System Tripartite Mission