Ways You Can Help

We are looking for help when it comes to our fight for a fair and equitable contract here are some ways you can help:

Help us flood Michigan Medicine and State of Michigan legislative leaders via your preferred form of communication with notifications that Michigan Medicine PAs deserve a fair contract

Follow our Facebook page and share it to your friends and network to spread the need for a fair contract for us all!

Click here to go to our Facebook Page!

Join our union by click here for member sign up and remember, “United we bargain. Divided we beg”

Show your support for UPAMM and #EqualPayforEqualWork with an #EqualPayDay. Make University of Michigan leaders and State of Michigan leaders aware of this inequity. This should not be happening at their premiere institution.  


Join us in sending letters to leaders by using the link below or QR code. Every letter counts. Send a letter to University of Michigan Leaders and Michigan Lawmakers!